Publisher: Letts
These four books are aimed at primary age children. Although they are called “revision” books they could be used by any child wishing to learn French, as long as there were someone at hand to help with pronunciation.
For details, see the Bridge House Languages web site. |
Publisher: Continuum
ISBN: 0-8264-0992-X
This is a user friendly manual that provides teachers with suggestions for classroom activities aimed at children aged 14-16 studying French. It features activities, teaching strategies and schemes informed by current ideas about teaching and learning and the curriculum, designed to assist busy teachers. The activities introduce different opportunities and approaches in both individual and group work; in both school and homework. They help to motivate and inspire students, and offer different methods of teaching and learning and different ways that teachers can deliver lessons. Most of these suggestions are practical, task-based and active, to stimulate students’ imagination and to motivate and inspire them in the subject. If necessary, teachers should be able to modify or adapt them to meet requirements of their own students and in many cases, some suggestions for ways of doing this is made.
Each activity is supported by photocopiable material, which is also available for download from the internet.